Autogenic Training

Relaxation Exercise
10 Minutes

I've been doing this relaxation technique for over 30 years.

This practice was designed to be a sort of 'refreshment'. It's like getting an hour's sleep in 10 minutes. I have had the advice to not use it for going to sleep. However, I do, all the time.


Wear something loose and comfortable. Lie on your back with your arms at your side. Or sit comfortably in a chair. Close your eyes.

Start to relax your body. For this to be helpful you need to make a sincere effort to slow your breathing and relax your muscles. Take a few deep breaths.

Then say the following phrases to yourself 6 times each.

~ My arms and legs are comfortably heavy.

~ My arms and legs are comfortably warm.

~ My breathing is calm and regular.

~ My neck and shoulders are heavy and warm.

~ My abdomen is soft and relaxed.

~ My forehead is pleasantly cool.

~ I am at peace.

That's it!

Above are the ones I use. Make up ones for yourself. Use what works for you.

A couple of alternate phrases:
~Face and scalp, tension released
~Heartbeat calm and steady

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