Going Nowhere

[OK. Now I'm mad. 3 posts have vanished.
The blogger program is no longer saving what I'm adding to my original Journal page. 
So, trying Page Two of my Journal. OK. SAVE!
Passed that test! So - I guess I'll try to 'regroup' on this page and remember the lost posts.


My Mother's Day List

DAY 61 May 16

 Yesterday it hit me that I am done my job with CBI Home Health. And done my new 'career' as a Community Health Worker. No more 6am alarms and long days for this woman. Done and dusted. Well done by the way! It was awesome and challenging all the way. Coincidentally Joyce, the boss, called me today. We haven't connected yet. I'm thinking I will do a day a week respite. Basically retired, but wishing to help out a bit and have that bit of structure.

Meanwhile I've started a Sunflower Art Project. I'm gathering old tires and planting sunflower seeds in them at Pawson Park. My way of kicking this pandemic to the curb for the moment. Big cheery yellow flowers and seeds you can eat! So there germ - take that!

I shared an article about gardening on FB and Pam commented that the soil will regenerate if it's done well. is such a great word for what we will need next. And gardening can be that. Regnerates the soul too. Regeneration.

So - the past. (This is a message to my hurting neck). And do stuff that releases and regenerates!

Been doing some yoga, pretty much every day. Back with Adriene because I found it hard to hear Kelly on the last one she did. Made a Yoga Youtube playlist of ones that I like. My arm and my hip have both hurt a bit lately. And my neck is bothering me.

Plan to loosen up with my now excellent DANCE playlist.

My hair is actually doing really well. No cut since Feb. 21. That cut by Char was a really good one. The mask was made by Sue Creba. Frank has one too. $5 each.

We contributed $50 to the school feeding program and $100 to Island Crisis Care Society.

Also - enjoying Zooming with John, Uli, Bill and Tuff on Thursdays.

And don't ask me about CATS THE MUSICAL!

DAY 76 May 31

Much has happened. We are in stressful (but adapting to) Phase 2 of the 'RestartBC'. My sunflowers are all planted. Here is the first 'baby' - up at Pawson.

Frank and I had a very nice time visiting with Meghan at Transfer Beach in Ladysmith. Slightly cool. Brought our own lunches. A wedding happened as we sat and had our very good chat. Great park. We will go there again on June 20 - the day before Father's Day (to avoid the crowds). 

New stove coming in 2 days!

Sandy's birthday today - we had a nice Zoom with Stella and Sandy to toast the occasion.

The Breakfast Nook is open - I was her first customer - ordered 2 eggs benny - delicious. Bought gift certificates too.

Good Zoom with John, Uli and Bill. An email of Uli's renewed my interest in growing leeks and garlic. Uli sent a video of her choir - it was really well done.

Friday - Artist talk from Dr. Sun Yat Sen Gardens with Lam Wong and Glenn Lewis. Excellent.

Planted lovely starters and topped up soil at Pawson.

The picture is of first sunflower sprout and also the beds that have sunflowers planted in them at Pawson.

Last Wednesday tai chi started and so did yoga. I went to both classes. My back seized up. I was in so much pain I spent Saturday in pain and in bed and missed my hair appointment.

Better today. Watched Hairspray and The Sound of Music. The SOM stage show with Carrie Underwood not so good. Hairspray with great singing and dancing and Jennifer Hudson pretty darn good. I bought my own copy of West Side Story with money Meghan gave me for Mother's Day.

Dinner from Flavours of India last night. Good! We've done many take-outs from Bistro Taiyo too.

Cold today. And Grey.




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